
Samsung Message Guard blocks image-based zero-click vulnerabilities

Samsung Message Guard blocks image-based zero-click vulnerabilities. From the beginning, Samsung has placed a significant emphasis on the safety of its mobile devices. You have already shielded against so-called zero-click attacks thanks to the built-in Samsung Knox platform that is included in Galaxy devices.


These exploits try to get their hands on your data. An exploit known as zero-click gets on your device in the guise of an attachment and instantly begins working to take control of your device or access sensitive data. Under the scenes, Samsung Knox already defends against this kind of media connection, both in audio and video form.

Samsung Message Guard blocks image-based zero-click vulnerabilities.

Users of Galaxy will now be protected against vulnerabilities that take the shape of images. The Samsung Message Guard app serves as a sandbox, taking each picture file downloaded to your phone and analyzing it to determine whether or not it poses a security risk.


Initially, the functionality will only operate in the Message applications developed by Samsung and Google; however, Samsung plans to make it available to third-party chat apps by the end of the year. A zero-click exploit is risky since it allows someone else to take control of your phone and steal your data while you are sleeping or otherwise occupied.

Robiul Islam

I'm a tech lover and also love to write about tech gadgets and mobiles. I am all about creativity with a purpose. Your satisfaction is my first priority.

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