Sony Xperia 10 IV video review, Watch on YouTube

Sony Xperia 10 IV video review, watch on GSMarena. Sony’s Xperia 10 IV is a sleek little Android phone with top-notch specs and battery life. On the other hand, the 5,000mAh battery on this phone doesn’t have the fast charging support you would like.

For example, in our tests, it didn’t jump to 20W when charging at max capacity. Will has some considerations in our video review below to help you decide if the Xperia 10 IV is worth buying.

Sony Xperia 10 IV video review, watch on GSMarena

Source: GSMarena

Our video review explores arguments for in favor and against the Xperia 10 IV to help make your decision. The video includes footage from our testing versus charging speeds as well as soundbites from Will talking about his favorite features of the camera and why he prefers larger Android devices.

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